What is BlackBerry DTEK?

After seeing the first official images of the BlackBerry Priv this morning, I went hunting around to other blogs and even Reddit to see what people are saying.  Mostly a LOT of praise for this device if it is any where near as good as the spec’s and press want it to be. But kinda of hidden amongst it all was a lot of referencing back to BlackBerryOS’s post on the images.  They tore down the open image and analyzed the icons posted on the home screen. Pointing out there was an odd man out… a BlackBerry DTEK option.  Now furious googling has come up with no real answer for this and I am sure we will know soon what it is.

It looks a lot like a modified BBM logo, with a shadow in a doorway.  Could it be their way of securing Android? A secure login of soruce? Or a detection system? Give us your thoughts below in the comments section.

Source: BBOS
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