BlackBerry to get wifi calling on T-Mobile US

Since the rekindling of BlackBerry and T-Mobile in May, the two companies seem to have a stronger partnership now more than ever.

First it was announced that the BlackBerry Classic would be sold on T-Mobile, something I was unsure would happen anytime in the near future. Then came the picture of John Legere wearing a BlackBerry shirt and holding a BlackBerry Classic. Shortly after John Chen joins Twitter thanks to John Legere and lastly John Chen wearing a T-Mobile t-shirt.

Now it has been confirmed that the BlackBerry Classic on T-Mobile will receive a special OS update with the addition of wifi calling!

If you own a Leap or Z30 (which use the same radio/core files as the Classic), I believe you should be able to sideload the core OS files and the radio files to make it work on those devices. Assuming we will have those files extracted soon.

I am waiting to hear back if they will have it available for the Q10 and Z10.

Source: BlackBerryOS
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