Blend Like a Boss With the BlackBerry Blend 1.2 Update

We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again now: BlackBerry Blend is the best productivity booster, and with the latest update, BlackBerry Blend 1.2, navigating and interacting with your BlackBerry device messages and content has never been easier.

Think about it for a second – How much more work could you complete by bringing the power of your BlackBerry to your computer and tablets?

Skeptical? Read these numerous reviews from media and users. Still not convinced? Donny Halliwell (you remember him) has had a few close calls, but thanks to Blend, was able to stay on top of things…TWICE.

What’s New with BlackBerry Blend 1.2

Available on PCs and tablets running Mac, Windows, iOS and Android, BlackBerry Blend 1.2 will take your productivity to the next level with these new features:

  • BlackBerry Blend dashboard & application navigation, updated user interface redesign: The BlackBerry Blend Dashboard has been newly designed based on customer feedback. You can now access the apps, settings, and help in the left navigation pane. You can move between apps from anywhere within BlackBerry Blend, so you can quickly and easily accomplish more.
  • Instant replies from BlackBerry Blend notifications: Notifications of BBM and text messages from any app let you respond or go to the BlackBerry Hub with a single touch. When receiving notifications, you can reply directly by clicking on the instant preview without having to go to the BlackBerry Blend dashboard. This allows you to quickly respond and get back to what you were doing without missing a step.
  • Centralized File Transfer Manager for file uploads and downloads: View the progress of a file transfer, cancel a transfer, and view previous transfers from the File Transfer Manager.
  • Spell Check within BlackBerry Blend: BlackBerry Blend now includes spellcheck so you can see and correct misspelled words before sending your messages.
  • Portrait Mode for tablets: Pick the best view for your content with the introduction of portrait mode for tablets.
 Check out these “How to Videos” to learn more about BlackBerry Blend 1.2.
For those of you who haven’t yet checked out BlackBerry Blend (gasp!), now’s your chance to catch up.

Check out Ty’s Getting Started with Blend Help blog post so you can:
  • Get instant message notifications
  • Read and respond to your work and personal email, BBM and text messages
  • Access your device documents, calendar, contacts and media in real-time on whatever device you are on
In short, here’s everything you need to get up and running.

There you go, you’re all set to take your world on. May the power of BlackBerry Blend 1.2 be with you.
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