Battery Fiction Pro updated with protection mode settings, additional battery information, and more

Not too long ago, we told you about a new tool for helping users optimize and manage their battery life. Battery Fiction Pro is a native and headless application gives users the ability to see view important battery information in order to boost and extend battery life. In addition, users can identify data such as the battery level, temperature, charging time left, voltage, condition, and battery count cycle. There are also notifications to alert you of various loading conditions which can be adjusted in settings.

A new version of Battery Fiction Pro is now available to download in BlackBerry World which brings it up to v5.3.5.1. The update offers new features as well as overall improvements. The full change log is shown below.
  • Added Protection mode settings
  • Added more battery information
  • Fixed battery left time tissues
  • Fixed unplugged alarm delay issue
  • Improved the capabilities of smart charging
  • Other minor improvements
Battery Fiction Pro is available to download in BlackBerry World for $3.99 and requires OS 10.3 and higher.

Source: CB
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